The Magical Mnemonic Meme

Remember these old adages?

"Ignorance is not an excuse?" 

"Ignorance is Bliss?"

Those who profit most from logical rhetoric practice their devious trade behind closed doors. Think tanks focused on marketing hyperbolic hypnosis. They prey upon the ignorant to sell lies for profit and agenda. Memes offer an opportunity of pointing out the ludicrous fallacies involved in the great and secret sham. Be wary, memes can penetrate the wrong kind of impulses deep within the psyche.

Mass generated graphic memes may have been a mistake. Especially with the advent of the internet. Even so, it still offers a tool for the ignorant to learn new things. Memes are the psychical graffiti of our times. Writing on walls has historically been a way for the common people to spread the news. It gives people a means to communicate on a deeper level to guard against too many consumer driven distractions. Unfortunately, memes are hyperboled into a negative frenzy that can frustrate decent concentration.

The psychological value of memes spreading the wrong ideas forward becomes an ever increasing concern. They're creative content sparks in the mind and then burns like wild fire through weeds. Incinerating the fruit within a healthy mind. Sometimes a meme can burn whole fields of joy.

Gotta be wary of the negative ones. They have their uses. Studying the logical value of fallacy and its use upon the ignorant as a weapon is useful. It helps to alleviate symptoms of frustration and anger associated with consumer confusion (cognitive-dissension?).

Memes help point out the fallacy used in the created illusions you see on the screen. Using them as mnemonic devices to insert symbols and subconscious ideas on a deep social level helps to keep the mind sharp.

More on mnemonic devices here...
Improve Your Memory with Mnemonic Devices


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