The Reality of Social Programming

Changing the history to suit the ratings game. 

Skipping Pebbles on the surface. That's all the media is willing to throw in the news stream. Meaningless talking points propagated on us all through the television screen. Tax reports and medical records take precedence over any important issue. The rating game of popularity. The media pretends it knows all. Giving itself airs in their dominion of who should know what.

As for history? Give it a break. No one cares about the social details and psychological effects pushed out. The talking heads spew out irrelevant content that most people forget about a week later.

They really don't forget, though. Whatever point or idea introduced has been primed for later recall. Over time a whole chain of thought develops. Giving a once taboo subject a normalizing affect over a society.

Most of us get our history lessons from the booby tube. Reality shows filled with the same crappy stories told over and over again. Programming our minds to ignore the truth that real history has to offer. Filling our heads with dates, places, and things. Meaningless nouns giving a fake feeling of verbal action. Never really explaining workings and motivations of the insiders. Giving no substance for the jury within our minds to contemplate a course to take control of our own lives. Training us all to rely on their judgement on what's best for the American Idol.

Worship on the altar of a fake religion brought to you 'live' by networks of satellite frequencies driving the drivel right into your brain!


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